

ENHANCE the circularity of plastics

ENHANCE the circularity of plastics with IrgaCycle® additive solutions designed for the mechanical recycling process

After the washing stage, the dried flakes are fed into an extruder where they are melted for further processing. During this process plastic polymers are susceptible to oxidative and thermal degradation. At this stage the physical properties of the plastic can be enhanced by the use of specialized additives.

After Sorting and Washing the Plastics should be enhanced

Rejuvenating recycled plastics with IrgaCycle® additive solutions

Virgin plastic polymers are primarily designed and stabilized for a single lifecycle. Mechanically recycling polyolefin plastics can generate a number of issues with the material performance including impurities, gel formation, mechanical weaknesses, and melt-flow fluctuations. IrgaCycle® additive solutions are specifically tailored for to address these challenges and yield a higher quality recyclate. 

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What makes our solution outstanding

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Recycling symbol polypropylene material resin code 05 PP considered one of the safer plastics
Multiple loop mechanical recycling of polypropylene
Research Paper from Vacano, B., Reich, O., Huber, G., Türkoglu, G., J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 1., DOI: 10.1002/pol.20230121
BASF's IrgaCycle® stabilizes recycled plastics used to protect pineapples from sunburn in Malaysia
Increase performance of highly degraded polyolefins
Emily Packer (CEO Coldharbour Tiles) joined BASF Plastic Additives at K 2022 to talk about her recycling journey


IrgaCycle® Flyer

Case Study: Multiple-Loop Polypropylene Recycling

Case Study: Avoiding Gel Formation in r-LDPE Recycled Film

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