

trinamiX Mobile NIR Spectroscopy Solution for Plastic Sorting

Solutions that offer technology capable of accurately identifying and separating the different compositions of different types of plastics.

The way to high-quality plastic recycling starts with sorting

One of the major challenges on our path towards a circular economy is the lack of high-quality recycling worldwide. A key piece to establishing circularity lies in the first step of the recycling process: a clean on-the-spot sorting of plastic waste. At this stage, waste is separated according to its physical and chemical characteristics.

To ensure a higher commercial value of the separated waste, it is important to know and identify the type of polymer that constitutes the discarded plastic waste. 

By enabling flexible plastic identification at the push of a button, our solution ensures clean plastics waste streams across recycling facilities worldwide.

Our solution at a glance

What makes our solution outstanding

How it works - trinamiX solution for mobile plastic sorting

How it works - trinamiX solution for mobile plastic sorting

How our solution is put to work at New Life Plastics


Learn more about trinamiX Mobile NIR Spectroscopy Solutions

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