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Recycling symbol polypropylene material resin code 05 PP considered one of the safer plastics
Multiple loop mechanical recycling of polypropylene
Research Paper from Vacano, B., Reich, O., Huber, G., Türkoglu, G., J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 1., DOI: 10.1002/pol.20230121
BASF's IrgaCycle® stabilizes recycled plastics used to protect pineapples from sunburn in Malaysia
Increase performance of highly degraded polyolefins
Emily Packer (CEO Coldharbour Tiles) joined BASF Plastic Additives at K 2022 to talk about her recycling journey

IrgaCycle® Flyer

Case Study: Multiple-Loop Polypropylene Recycling

Case Study: Avoiding Gel Formation in r-LDPE Recycled Film

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between mechanical and chemical recycling?

Hundreds of plastic water bottles compacted together at a recycling plant

The main difference between these two recycling approaches is the impact to the polymer structure. Chemical recycling, which includes many different specific technologies, returns the polymer to its original building blocks (monomers), or even back to feedstock material in order to produce new plastics. 

Mechanical recycling preserves the plastic molecular structure, utilizing less energy intensive processes to clean it, melt it, and reshape it for use as recycled plastic. 

In both cases, recycling helps keep plastic waste out of the environment and reduces the need to produce new plastics.  

What are the main challenges of mechanical recycling?

Is mechanical recycling really beneficial for the environment?

Can all plastics be recycled?